Category: Uncategorized

Screen Time Guidelines for Parents

Screen Time Guidelines for Parents Infancy & Early Childhood (0-2 years) Until 18 months, limit screen time to short duration video chatting only. From 18-24 months, limit to co-viewing educational programs Prioritize physical interaction, playtime, and language-rich environments. No screen time before bed; promote calming activities instead. Preschool (2-5 years)

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Does your child often sit like this, with their legs in the shape of a “W”? What is w-sitting? W-sitting is a position in which children rotate their hips inward and sit on their bottom with their feet splayed out on either side of them, resulting in their legs being

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Torticollis and Plagiocephaly

In this post, we are going to discuss the strange term “torticollis,” how it can be impacting your infant, and how parents and physical therapists can help treat this and aid in your infant’s physical development. What is Torticollis? Congenital muscular torticollis(CMT) is a tightening of a muscle in the

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Does Your Child Often Walk on Their Toes?

Reasons why your child may walk on their toes:  Most cases of toe walking are idiopathic, meaning there is no known cause. In rare cases, toe walking may be a sign of an underlying condition, such as: Cerebral palsy Muscular dystrophy Autism spectrum disorder  Spinal cord abnormality  While most cases

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Crawling: An Important Developmental Milestone

Why is crawling so important? Crawling allows for independent exploration of their environment. It is a building block for more advanced motor skills. Crawling assists in developmenting and enhancing a child’s coordination, body awareness, strength, eye hand coordination, vestibular/balance systems, and visual perception. It aids in brain development to support

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Signs of Coordination Impairments

Signs of coordination impairments: Frequent trips/falls Appearing clumsy Bumping into things Knocking things over Accident prone slow/inaccurate motor skills Difficulty using both hands together  Coordination activities Jumping Jumping forward on two feet Hopping on one foot Jumping jacks Hopping side to side over a line Hop scotch Jump rope Scissor

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Balance Developmental Milestones

Balance Developmental Milestones This blog will discuss at what age your child should typically be hitting balance milestones. Each milestone has an age range. Each child will have their own unique timeline in which they meet these milestones. Some children might meet their milestones early/on time with no difficulty, while

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